
Interpreters charge the 2hr minimum to cover an hour of their time with you and your client/patient and an hour for their travel time to and from assignments. The travel time helps them maintain reliable transportation and cover the cost of fuel. They provide an hour of service because they are hired and needed for the entire appointment process, not just the 15 minutes you are scheduled to see them. The interpreter will arrive on time, if not early, help the Deaf person check in, clarify any questions prior to seeing the professional, wait with them in the waiting room, go back to the exam/meeting room, interpret for the other staff, wait for the professional to arrive in the room and interpret, then follow them back up to the front for check out. If other tests or labs need to be done in office, we’ll stay for that too. So, in the big picture, it’s really not just 15 minutes we are needed, it’s the entire process. The 2hr minimum is an industry standard strictly adhered to by professional interpreters.

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